Sunday Services

Each Lord’s day we gather to worship, remember the Lord Jesus, and learn from God’s Word.

Join us at the following times:
Breaking of Bread @ 10:00am
Coffee & Cookies & Fellowship @ 10:45am
Family Bible Hour (upstairs) @ 11:15am

Special Announcements

The Pregnancy Centre's "Change for Life" Baby Bottle Campaign

It’s time for the Pregnancy Centre’s annual Baby Bottle Campaign! Option 1: You can pick up a physical baby bottle at the church on Mother’s Day weekend (and fill it with cash, change, or a cheque) and bring it back on Father’s Day weekend. Option 2: You can fill a virtual bottle instead, if that is the method you prefer. Simply go to our website: and click on the Baby Bottle Campaign banner to donate on-line with your credit card. If you need assistance, give us a call at 705-759-9100 and we can process your credit card over the phone. E-transfers can be sent to: (please indicate your name and mailing address in the message).

Mid-Week Ministries


We have three small group Bible studies that meet regularly. On Tuesdays, the ladies meet at 10:30am and the men gather at 7pm for their weekly Bible studies. Every other Sunday afternoon there is an open group (family-friendly) that gathers at Bryan and Jenn Windle’s house.


Our Lightforce Kids Club (our own version of the Awana clubs) is held every Wednesday from 6:00-7:30pm. JK – Gr. 2’s meet at IBC; Gr. 3-8’s meet at the St. Joseph Island Public School. We seek to introduce children to Jesus Christ, the Light of the world, and encourage them to follow his bright example. We do this through a combination of Bible reading, memorization and games.


The Central Algoma Youth Group is open to all high school students and meets each Friday. Typically we gather after school for a study and supper and then a high-energy youth event. All of the youth leaders attend local evangelical churches and many were once teens in the Central Algoma Youth Group.