IBC Mission Statement

To help us remember our mission, we use the acronym W.I.N.

Worship the Triune God – Although we believe that a Christian’s entire life expresses what he or she thinks about God, we will make it a priority to corporately express our appreciation and respect for our Lord. By sharing the Lord’s Supper, singing, praying, and declaring our love and admiration for the Lord we will consistently focus our attention on Him, which is at the heart of worship. We also want to be clear that we worship the one God who has existed eternally in the form of three persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Introduce Jesus Christ to our world – Jesus’ Great Commission to His followers was to spread the Gospel throughout the world. We will do our best to communicate the good news about Jesus to people locally (evangelism) and in the more distant parts of the world (missions). Of course, we will do this with love and respect for others, whether they choose to follow Christ or not.

Nurture our fellow believers – On the last night before His death Jesus prayed that His followers would experience unity and pronounced that disciples of His would be identified by their love for one another. We want to honour the Lord and all other members of His kingdom by caring for one another with love and humility. Befriending each other is important so that we learn to be the family of God. Nurturing not only includes loving support but encouraging each other to love God and live for Him. We are committed to teaching, training, discipling and challenging each other to grow spiritually, mature in the faith, and develop godly character.